Yard of the Yard

A one yard by one yard piece of ground is a very small bit for humans.  A body can barely sit on it, but the soil beneath is a complex indicator of activity geological, historical, cultural, meteorological. It holds big stories.

Consider what patch of ground is your “yard.” Grass or garden, or asphalt, stoop, pasture … any bit of ground that you look at or sit on or picnic or stare into space or mow or dig or mine or sleep on or… private or public qualifies. You do not have to own a yard or have any grass. Under our feet are complicated portraits that affect our daily life. 

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Consider what impact or action you might take on that bit of ground. This can range from nothing to an elaborately staged action/ performance to sculpture to performance to reading a book, to planting a garden, to your everyday activity on that plot… Infinite possibilities. This is up to you. You can invite friends. You can stare at the light shifting on the surface. Projecting live and recorded yards into a remote space generates another sort of attention and reflection. Even light passing across the ground becomes a big event.

How to plot your yard

You are welcome to DIY this for your particular circumstances.

  1. Measure out and mark a one yard by one yard plot.

  2. Stabilize a camera (cell or other) with a tripod, point it down at the plot and record and/or stream 3 to 10 minutes of video making sure to capture the entire plot in the frame.

  3. Take a still photo.

  4. Send your video and photo along with description of place, reflections, etc. via We Transfer or Dropbox or Google Drive. 


  5. Optional: take a sample of your soil and send it to me to have it analyzed.
    If you have no soil, do not worry.


Where will your yard be seen ?

There are currently two versions of the “Yard of the Yard” project.

Version 1 will project recorded videos at the scale of one yard x one yard in a variety of sites and encouraging the public and artists to participate. 
Version 2 is working toward a global, live streaming event projecting “yards” from artists in every time zone in the world.